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venerdì 4 maggio 2012


Sports in Bhutan

The kingdom of Bhutan or just Bhutan is a landlocked state in South Asia and it is near the Himalayas, Republic of India, Republic of China, Nepal and Bangladesh.
Many sports are popular in Bhutan: traditional sports but also international games.
 In fact the most important traditional sport is Archery that is the national sport. It is very important for the population but also for tourists.
Other traditional sports are Khuru, Soksom, degor,  Langthab, Jigdum and Pungdo.
Football is the most popular modern sport in Bhutan (futsal too, is a variation of football). Other international sports are mountanbike, trekking.
Bhutan is a sports nation.


Traditional Sports in Bhutan

Buthan is a country in which traditional sports are still present and still practiced.
- Langthab is a game of brute force in which two players compete in a fight.
- Soksom is similar to the javelin, this sport consists in throwing a long thin bamboo. This thin bamboo must spear at a target placed far away.
- Jigdum consists in kicking a piece of wood or a double piece of wood against a target.
- Degor consists in throwing a couple of flat stones. The goal is a small stick driven into the ground.
- Khuru is kind of a game of darts played with different targets set 20 meters away. This is one of the few traditional sports played in urban areas during holidays.
- Pungdo or shot put is also one of traditional sports which survive today.
- Archery is the national sport. Today people prefer more modern equipment to a traditional one, for this reason, archery is becoming more and more modern in Bhutan.
In most traditional Bhutanese sports, women take part as cheerleaders, singers and scoffers.



Archery: a National Sport

The Bhutanese national sport is archery, and it has not only a traditional value, but also an important touristic aspect, because this sport represents a distinctive element of this country. Archery Competitions are preceded by a lot of preparations, and also the astrologers are consulted to consider the best day for the challenge and the most favorable sequence of throws for players. Competitions are absolutely reserved to men and, according to the tradition, women can’t touch the bow of an archer because people think that this can bring bad luck. Archeries use modern bows or also traditional bows of bamboo; the target is 20 cm long and 60 cm high, and it is usually situated at 150 m of distance from the archer, while the Olympic standard is of 50 m of distance. The atmosphere during these races is really happy, fun, with dances and songs, and you can see the incredible talent and professionalism of players. The Bhutan National Archery Federation organizes two national archery tournament a year, but every week other smaller competitions take place, such as the duels between villages.


Mountain Biking in Bhutan

On and off the numerous paths, Bhutan has always a lot of enchantments to offer, this is the reason why, more and more tourists chose to visit Bhutan by bike. Traffic is maily significant on the road which links the capital city of this country, Thimpu, with the neighboring Phuntsholing.
The Hymalayan Valley
In Bhutan there are different reception centers in which tourists can rent a bike and move around through breathtaking landscapes and iconic valleys, these centers also provide bike equipement and competent local guide who drives you around the country.
An interesting trip that tourists can enjoy is in Hymalayan Kingdom, this unforgettable riding includes the visit of the amazing Punakha Valley where tourists can get in touch with monasteries, ancient temples and far away villages. This trip is the experience of a lifetime, an exciting adventure that realize every sportives-tourists' need; enter in contact whit a drammatic landscapes in a completely sustainable way, riding a mountain bike in the Hymalaya's shadow.


Trekking in Bhutan

The most important Bhutan paths were, in the past, the largest communication routes.
Today these streets are one of the most important touristic attractions, especially for mountains-lovers and for sport-addicts. Here, trekking is one of the most popular activities both for Bhutan inhabitants and for tourists.
Trekking offers the possibility to enter in contact with the nature and with the population, discovering traditions and customs. On the Bhutan mountains you can enjoy different landscapes, from a rural scenery to high snowy peaks.
In this coutry, tourists can enjoy different paths:
- Short paths, to approach the culture of the country visiting old monasteries and little villages;
- Medium paths, for people who practice trekking only for pleasure;
- Hard paths, for professional trekkers; here there is the possibility to reach the famous Himalaya mountains crossing the region of Tibet.
During these excursions there is a professional guide who take cares of your security and show you the best way to enjoy the wonderful view.
It’s also important have an appropriate equipment for the different paths that you want undertake.

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